Local housing allowance rates

The Bedroom Entitlement Calculator can help you work out which rate you are eligible for. Please note that single people under 35 years of age may only be entitled to the '1 bedroom shared rate' and not the '1 bedroom' rate. See more information about age restrictions.

Bedroom entitlement calculator

The Bedroom Entitlement Calculator below can help you find out which LHA rate you are eligible for. 

Please note that the button below opens in a new window.

Bedroom entitlement calculator

You will be entitled to one bedroom - up to a maximum of four - for each of the following:

  • a couple or lone parent
  • other people aged 16 or over
  • two children under 16 of the same sex
  • two children under 10
  • any other child

You may be able to receive an extra bedroom for a regular (non-resident) overnight carer.

To qualify, you or your partner must require, and actually receive, regular overnight care from a carer, or team of carers, and be receiving middle or high rate care component of Disability Living Allowance, PIP daily living, at either rate, Attendance Allowance, Armed Forces Independence Payment or otherwise be able to show us that you require overnight care.

If you think this may apply to someone in your household please complete the Bedroom for overnight carer/s form below. 

Please note that the button below opens in a new window.

Apply for additional bedroom for overnight carer

Eligible rent and Housing Benefit calculation

The amount of 'eligible rent' used in the calculation of your Housing Benefit will be either the appropriate LHA rate or the actual rent you are charged per week, whichever is lower.

The rates are set by the Valuation Office. Unless there is a change to your household your claim will continue to be based on this amount.

Extra room allowance for disabled person

You may also be able to receive an extra room allowance if you have a disabled person who is unable to share a bedroom.

The disabled person must be in receipt of:

  • the care component of Disability Living Allowance at middle or high rate,
  • Personal Independence Payments (PIP) daily living at either rate,
  • Attendance allowance, or
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment.

If you think this may apply to someone in your household, please complete the Extra Bedroom form using the button below. 

Please note that the button below opens in a new window.

Apply for additional bedroom for a disabled person

The amount of 'eligible rent' used in the calculation of your Housing Benefit will be either the appropriate LHA rate or the actual rent you are charged per week, whichever is lower.

The rates are set by the Valuation Office and your claim will be assessed on the LHA rate applicable on the date your claim is made. Unless there is a change to your household your claim will continue to be based on this amount.