Business rates

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Here you will find out how business rates work and how you can pay for these. 

You can access information on your Council Tax or Business Rate account 24/7.
You can start receiving your Business Rates bill and notices securely online.
Paying your regular council bills such as Council Tax, Rent and Business Rates by Direct Debit will save you time and make life easier. You can even pay some regular invoices by Direct Debit too.
Business Rates information 2024-25
You must register with the Council for Business Rates when you move in or out of the premises.
Business rates are based on your property’s rateable value. The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) maintains the Non-domestic Rating List. This includes setting the rateable values of business properties.
Business Rates online forms


Contact Details

Business Rates,
Ipswich Borough Council,
1W Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 433851