On 01 July 2007 it became illegal to smoke in virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces in England. The Government introduced this law with the aim that there will be a healthier environment where everyone can socialise, relax, travel, shop and work free from any second-hand smoke.
Responsibilities for smokefree premises
Employers, managers and those in charge of smokefree premises and vehicles have to:
- display no smoking signs in smokefree premises;
- take reasonable steps to ensure that staff, customers and visitors are aware that premises and vehicles are legally required to be smokefree;
- ensure that no one smokes in smokefree premises or vehicles.
Only a few specific types of premises are exempt from the ban but this does not include pubs, private members’ clubs, restaurants or offices. A system of fines has been introduced for people breaking the law and officers from the Council’s Occupational Health and Safety team are enforcing the ban.
Reporting smokefree violations
What if I see someone breaking the law?
If you believe someone is breaking the law by smoking in smokefree premises or a smokefree vehicle, we suggest you let a member of staff know as soon as possible so the incident can be dealt with quickly.
For premises within the Borough of Ipswich, you can contact us using the details on the left of this page.
Alternatively, you can call the national Smokefree Compliance Line free on 0800 587 1667 to report any premises, including those outside the Ipswich Borough Council area. Your call will be answered by a call centre operator, who will then forward the information to the relevant local council to follow-up as appropriate.
Guidance on the smokefree regulations
The Smokefree England website is still a helpful guide to the legislation and provides a lot of useful resources although it has now been archived by the Government. As the site has been archived some of the information and contact details may not be up-to-date.
The requirements for the display of no-smoking signs changed on 1 October 2012. Advice on the requirements for complying with the revised regulations can be found in the Implementation of Smokefree Legislation.
Anyone requiring advice from the Council can contact the Occupational Health and Safety team using the details on the left of this page.
Other sources of advice and information
Information and services to help people stop smoking are available from:
If you are in charge of smokefree premises and intend to provide a smoking shelter for your employees or customers you may need planning permission so please check with our Town Planning team. See Applying for planning permission.
For advice on dealing with litter and waste disposal contact the Cleaner Ipswich Hotline.