Ipswich Borough Council’s Conservation and Urban Design Team act as consultees to the Planning department, providing advice on proposals affecting the historic environment. This includes advising on proposals for works to listed buildings, development affecting conservation areas and registered parks and gardens and their settings. We are happy to offer advice to historic building owners on traditional methods of historic building repair, as well as provide pre-application advice on proposals affecting historic buildings in the borough.
The team is also responsible for designating and reviewing conservation area boundaries, as well as preparing appraisals and management plans for the protection and enhancement of the borough's 15 conservation areas (including the making of Article 4 Directions where appropriate).
The Conservation and Urban Design team also maintain and review the Local List (Buildings of Townscape Interest) SPD, recognising the vast array of significant buildings across the borough which do not benefit from official designation but still add to the distinctiveness of the town.
The team maintains a register of Buildings at Risk and proactively takes action where appropriate to secure the carrying out of necessary repair works.
Urban Design
Urban design adds value for the town both visually and functionally, but more importantly, it can provide social and environmental benefits, making Ipswich more attractive to residents and visitors.
The team provides urban design advice on planning applications as well as pre-application enquiries. We also produce design codes and guidance to promote good design across the borough, through our Urban Character Studies and Shopfront Design Guide SPDs.