Club Premises Certificates

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A Club Premises Certificate is required for clubs that members join for a particular social, sporting or political purpose and then combine to purchase alcohol in bulk for members. The club has restricted access to the public (non-members) and the alcohol is supplied to members for no profit.

A Club Premises Certificate is required for social, sporting or political clubs who wish to supply alcohol and provide regulated entertainment to their members and guests.
Apply for a club premises certificate if you're a social, sporting or political members club and you wish to supply alcohol and provide regulated entertainment to your members and their guests.
If you wish to make an amendment to your current Club Premises Certificate that affect any of the licensing objectives (prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, prevention of public nuisance and protection of children from harm) you will need to apply to Ipswich Borough Council.
If you wish to make an amendment to your current Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate that does not adversely affect any of the licensing objectives you can apply to Ipswich Borough Council for a Minor Variation
Information on how to lodge a representation on a Club Premises Licence and how you can request a review if you feel a premise is in breach of any of its conditions.

Contact Details

Licensing and Enforcement,
Ipswich Borough Council,
3W Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Telephone icon

01473 432063