Save time, do it online!
Our My Ipswich online service is the easiest and quickest way to make a request, report a problem or apply for a service...24 hours a day!
Note: The button below opens in a new window.
Contact us online
For general enquiries, complaints, compliments, and comments, please visit our Contact Us Online page.
For all payments, please ensure you have your reference/account/invoice number ready.
Save time, pay online...24 hours a day!
Note: The button below opens in a new window.
Automated payments line: 01473 937866.
Customer Services
You can contact us and report, request and apply for services online using the methods above without having to visit or call us.
Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm: 01473 432000 (excluding Bank Holidays).
In Person
Grafton House is open: Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm.
Face-to-face visits will only be arranged where necessary and must be pre-booked in advance over the phone. Before an appointment is booked, we will check to see if we can deal with your enquiry over the phone first.
Alternative Formats
If you require an alternative format, please call our Customer Services on 01473 432000
Emergency Housing Repairs or Noise Nuisance
For out of hours contact such as emergency housing repairs or noise nuisance please call 01473 433444.
Homelessness support
For out of hours homelessness enquiries please call on 07736 826025.