Accessing The Information We Hold

The Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right to see any data we hold on you (with a few exceptions) and to have it corrected if it is not accurate.

It gives us the responsibility of handling your data securely and ensures that we do not disclose it to other people or organisations without meeting legal conditions that protect your privacy. For example, in some circumstances we may need to ask your permission first.

We collect and hold certain personal data so we can provide you with the services you require. For example, we process data to:

  • Collect Council Tax;
  • Collect rent;
  • Deliver housing benefit;
  • Provide a record of the services provided.

Accessing the information we hold

You can access the information we hold about you by making a Subject Access Request.  This request can be made verbally but we would prefer for you to do so in writing, by email to or using the Subject Access Request Online Form which can be found below.

Note: The button below opens in a new window.

Submit a data subject access request

If you are requesting to view CCTV footage, please visit Making a request to view CCTV.

Proof of identity

To satisfy us as to your  identity (especially where you make a verbal request)  your application must be accompanied by TWO documents that between them clearly show your name, date of birth and current address such as: a photocopy of your passport or photocard driving licence

  • a utility bill*
  • a council tax bill*
  • any other bill in your full name*

*Any bill you send must be less than 6 months old.

Correcting data we hold

If you believe the data we hold about you is incorrect or that there is information that we have not supplied, you must contact us within 21 days of receiving our response to your request.

If we don't agree that the information is incorrect, you can appeal using the Council's normal complaints procedure.

You can also appeal to the Information Commissioner's Office if we do not correct the data you ask us to.