Discounts, exemptions and empty properties

Find out if your property is exempt from Council Tax, if you qualify for a discount, or if you need to pay a premium.

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Care leaver discount

From 1 April 2019, if you are under 25 and have previously been in Suffolk County Council care, we may be able to reduce your Council Tax.


Learn about how Council Tax applies to annexes and any potential discounts or regulations.

Disability Reduction

If you meet certain conditions your Council Tax may be charged at a lower Valuation Band than the one that your home is actually in.

Resident discounts

Council Tax bills are based on at least two adults living in a property. If only one adult occupies the home as their main residence, you can receive a 25% discount.

Uninhabitable properties

A discount of 10% is available for up to 12 months, if a property is unoccupied, substantially unfurnished; and requires or is undergoing major repairs (including structural alteration) to make it suitable to live in.