Residents invited to join DiGBY for summer recycling roadshows

Published9th August 2023

DiGBY & Friends will be hosting recycling roadshows in Ipswich this summer encouraging everyone to learn about the benefits of recycling, responsible litter disposal, and sustainability. 

The first event heads to Ipswich Cornhill on 14 August, where DiGBY will be joined by Ipswich Town Foundation. Ipswich Borough Council’s parks team will also be there, along with Wastesaver, Suffolk County Council and the Master Composters team.

The second roadshow takes place at the Orangery in Holywells Park on 21 August. Both events running from 11am to 3pm feature interactive games and activities for the public to take part in.

Councillor Phil Smart, Ipswich Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change, says:

“In the last year Ipswich residents have recycled 7,908 tonnes of household waste in blue bins, which is fantastic! However, there is always more that we can do to improve our recycling habits to reduce the amount of waste collected as general rubbish in our black bins.

Our summer roadshows led by DiGBY are a great way of engaging with residents about how to recycle even more, reduce food waste and importantly save money to stop unnecessary waste being created.

Thank you to our event partners for supporting these roadshows and helping to reinforce the importance of sustainability in our town.”

Image credit - Ipswich Borough Council