
Find out about council tax reduction and housing benefit - how to claim, change your details, query our decision or report benefit fraud.

* Read about the HMRC scam warning for Tax Credit Customers at: HMRC issues scam warning to tax credits customers - GOV.UK ( *

The Economic Development team work to deliver on the aspirations set out within the Council’s Economic Development Strategy. They work with partners to support local businesses and attract investment to the town.

If you would like further information – or support with a project – then email the team via

Here is further information regarding Fraud Awareness.

All the information regarding our crematorium and four cemeteries can be found on our new website

You will be able to view scheduled services taking place in the Old Cemetery Church and West Chapel, locations and directions, information on our services including funeral arrangements, memorials and stonemasonry work and bereavement guidance and support.

What the Council is doing to reduce its own carbon emissions, and help the community better understand the climate emergency.

Find out how to report anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood, how to influence local priorities at Area Committees and how to prepare for an emergency. Also, information on the HEARS personal alarm service, support for parents, a guide to substance misuse services and more.

Find out how to pay your council tax, if you are eligible for a discount and tell us of any changes in your circumstances.

Go paperless today, sign up for council tax e-billing:

Search our current vacancies, find out about apprenticeships and volunteering and read about what it's like to work with us at Ipswich Borough Council.

For information on schools, children's centres, libraries and adult education, please visit the Suffolk County Council website 

Find out how to report pollution issues in your area, and information on pest control, animal welfare and food safety.

Find housing, information for council tenants, advice for private tenants, landlords and homeowners and how we are working to help homeless people.

**A new Housing Online portal is now available for IBC tenants to manage their rent accounts and raise repairs online. Find out more here**

Find out about the great variety of art, entertainment, sport and leisure facilities that Ipswich has to offer.

Find out about licensing requirements and how to apply for a licence or permit. Includes taxi licensing, alcohol and entertainment premises, industrial licences and more.

Information on car parks and on-street parking, public transport, cycling and walking. Find out how to report street cleansing issues such as graffiti and fly-tipping.

Highway issues such as pot holes, traffic signals and road signs should be reported to Suffolk County Council.

Information on planning applications, policy documents, conservation, building regulations, land charges and more.

Please contact the following numbers directly for more information:

  • Building Control: 01473 432951
  • Planning (Development Management): 01473 432913
  • Planning Policy: 01473 432019

Universal Credit is a new, single payment for people in or out of work introduced by the Government. It is an in or out of work benefit and has been introduced to give you the support you need to find and progress in work.

Information on household waste collections, our Wastesaver commercial waste service, recycling information and how to dispose of large items and hazardous waste.

Ipswich Borough Council provides a voice for its communities as well as a wide range of services to meet their needs.