Ipswich residents prosecuted for littering

Published5th September 2022

A resident of Priory Heath and one who lives near Alexandra Park were both recently successfully prosecuted by Ipswich Borough Council for littering in the town centre after they were caught, at different times, each throwing away a cigarette butt.

They were both fined £110 and a victim surcharge of £34 and both were also ordered to pay costs of £150 making a total of £294 they each will have to pay.

Ipswich Borough Cllr Alasdair Ross, Portfolio Holder for Community Protection, says:

“Littering is an anti-social activity and also an expensive one here for both of those convicted. Don’t throw stuff away other than into a recycling or rubbish bin and with any cigarettes fully extinguished – or you may well see your money being thrown away in court as well.”