Mayor backs Ipswich Blessing

Published15th June 2020

The Mayor of Ipswich, Councillor Jan Parry, has given her backing to the Ipswich Blessing, a song that is being performed by Christian churches across the town coming together.

The Mayor was contacted about the song by the Ven. Rhiannon King, the Archdeacon of Ipswich and Director of Inspiring Ipswich, and said: “At this time of worldwide protests against racism, when we are also dealing with the enormous challenges of Coronavirus, it has been so wonderful to see the Churches of Ipswich working together to bring us the gift of their message of hope as they sing a blessing over our town.

I hope that The Ipswich Blessing inspires us all to be kind, thoughtful and loving towards everyone in our Ipswich community, no matter what our religious beliefs.”

You can listen to the Ipswich Blessing on YouTube.