500th solar panel installed on council home in Ipswich

Published10th August 2023

Ipswich Borough Council has this week installed its 500th solar panel as part of its commitment to providing its residents with sustainable energy solutions. 

Installed on a home in Maple Close, the news demonstrates the Council’s ongoing effort to use more renewable energy in the town, using local firms for the scaffolding and panel installation.

This initiative is part of Ipswich Borough Council's dedication to combat climate change, supporting carbon neutral ambitions, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future for residents, whilst helping to reduce energy bills.

By reaching the 500 milestone, this shows the great strides forward being taken by the Council, harnessing the power of renewable resources on its housing stock in Ipswich.

Solar power offers numerous benefits, including decreased dependence on fossil fuels, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and cost-effective energy solutions for community benefit.

Councillor Alastair Ross, Ipswich Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Housing says:

“By 2025 we aim to have installed 745 solar panels on Council homes. Supported through Government Energy Improvement grants and Ipswich Borough Council funding, these panels will help to reduce energy bills and carbon emissions for Ipswich and its residents.”

Councillor Philip Smart, Ipswich Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Environment and Climate Change, adds:

"Reaching the installation of a 500th solar panels is a momentous occasion. It exemplifies our dedication to environmental stewardship, sets an example for other communities to follow and shows we are resolute in our commitment to a sustainable future.”

Image credit – Ipswich Borough Council (shows Emmanuel Lynch, Project Manager (left) and Councillor Alasdair Ross (right) Ipswich Borough Council’s, Portfolio Holder for Housing, with a solar panel at the Maple Close property).