Mayor opens new farmyard themed play area at Ipswich park

Published19th May 2021

The new play area at Ipswich’s Alexandra Park has been opened by the Mayor of Ipswich, Councillor Jane Riley.

The inclusive play area that is now located near the central path through the park, has a ‘farmyard’ theme complete with a tractor and haybarn.

It has an impact absorbent surface to improve safety and features graphics to encourage imaginative play, swings, seesaws and springers, as well as a sensory and quiet play section.

The toilets have also been redecorated with new lighting installed.

As part of the project, and the Council’s carbon reduction measures, an electric point has been installed to prevent engine idling from traditional ice-cream vans.

The old play area will be fenced off while equipment is removed, and the area returned to grass. Where possible, equipment and railings will be recycled and used in other parks.

Mayor of Ipswich, Councillor Jane Riley, said: “Not everyone has access to outdoor space at home, which is why we are lucky in Ipswich to have so many parks and open spaces for families to visit.

“This play area will help give a new lease of life to the park and provide children with a vibrant space to take part in outdoor play. We cannot wait to see them get stuck in and explore the farmyard.”

Councillor Phil Smart, Portfolio Holder for Parks at Ipswich Borough Council, said: “We are thrilled to be able to open another new play area in Ipswich for children and families to enjoy.

“As with all our play areas, we choose a theme and use equipment alongside visual and sensory elements to help encourage imaginative play for all children.

“The installation of an electric point for concession vehicles and carts will make those hot summer days more refreshing for visitors, while ensuring that carbon emissions are kept low.”