Policies and procedures for conducting council business
- The Council’s Constitution
Includes information on:- Council and committee functions and delegations (Part 3)
- Officer delegation scheme (Part 3, Section 5)
- Procedure rules for Council and Committees (Part 4)
- Petitions procedure (Part 4, Section 11)
- Code of Conduct for Members (Councillors) (Part 5, Section 1)
- Protocol on how Councillors and Officers should behave towards each other (Part 5, Sections 3 & 4)
Policies and procedures for delivering our services
- Access to Information Procedure Rules: Constitution Part 4, Section 5
- Ipswich Local Plan 2011-2031
- Supplementary Planning Documents
- Statement of Community Involvement (March 2018) (PDF) and Revised Statement of Community Involvement Addendum (PDF)
- Housing policy, strategy and development documents
- Private Sector Housing Renewal Policy
- Open Space and Biodiversity Policy / Strategy 2013-2023
- Health, safety and welfare policy 2019 (PDF)
Pay policy statement
- The Council’s Pay Policy Statement is considered annually at the Council meeting held in February or March. View Council reports.
Policies and procedures about the recruitment and employment of staff
- Officer employment procedure rules: Constitution Part 4, Section 8
- Employees Code of Conduct: Constitution, Part 5, Section 2
- Current job vacancies
- Equality and Diversity policies
- Corporate Health and Safety policies, report to Executive on 12 July 2016 (E/16/15)
Customer Service
- Equality and Diversity policies
- Website accessibility statement
- External links policy
- Website Terms and Conditions
- Website privacy policy and use of cookies
- Complaints procedure and how to make a complaint
- Complaints policy
Records management and personal data policies
- Data Protection Notice for public consultations, statutory representations and petitions
- Notice of Fair Processing of Personal Data
- Accessing data which the Council holds on you
- Information Governance Framework (PDF)
- Data Protection Policy (PDF)
- Freedom of Information Policy (PDF)
Charging regimes and policies
- Licensing fees
- Alcohol and entertainment licensing fees
- Mobile homes licencing fee policy
- House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licence fee
- Building Regulation charges
- Local Land Charges search fees
- Planning Application fees
- Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Environmental Permitting fees
- Parking permit fees
- Parking Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)
- Car park tariffs
- Bereavement Services fees and charges
- Pest Control charges
- Stray dog release fees
- Sports facilities prices
- Confirmation of Residence letter fee
- Property Searches (environmental information)
Immobilisation and Removal of Vehicles Policy
The Council has approved a policy relating to when it will immobilise and/or remove vehicles parked in contravention of parking restrictions or when a vehicle has been abandoned.
View a copy of Immobilisation and Removal of Vehicles Policy (PDF)