Arras Square Redevelopment Project

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As part of the ‘Turning our Town Around’ initiative, Ipswich Borough Council residents and local businesses voted to redevelop Arras Square. 

This redevelopment will see improved lighting, seating, paving, and new foliage to create a welcoming and open green space.

To help design this public space, we are working with Erect Architecture to create designs consistent with the surrounding area. We have also consulted with members of the local access forum group who provide strategic advice on the improvement of public access.

Members of the public voted on three proposed designs for the engravings in the Square on new amphitheatre seating area, each paying homage to the military personnel who fell in the Battle of Arras in WW1. Mythical Creatures was the the chosen design.


Mythical Creature

Arras Arches

Engraved stone

Engraved stone mythical creature

Engraved stone arras arches

Mythical Creatures - 
This relates to an image carved into the ancient bressummer beam (due to be relocated to St. Stephens church) previously located in Arras Square. 

A planning application was submitted on 15 May 2023. Details of the application can be found here (are you able to add a link to 23/00315/FPI3.