Race For Change – Resident group for the Racecourse Estate

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Ipswich Borough Council and its partners – Suffolk Police, Suffolk County Council and the Police & Crime Commissioner – are working together to support residents of the Racecourse area of South East Ipswich to strengthen their community and improve local opportunity. The residents have formed the ‘Race For Change’ group and are engaging with other residents and local groups to talk about the issues that matter to them.  They are also helping to consult and advise the Council and its partners on initiatives and project funding in the area.

They are a group living in the Racecourse area in south-east Ipswich who are giving time to help create a positive change for local residents. They are the channel between the local community and the main decision-makers in Ipswich, such as Ipswich Borough Council, Suffolk County Council and Suffolk Police and can put your views forward about what is needed in the Racecourse area. They are committed to helping to make the Racecourse area a safer, cleaner and more positive place to live for all of you.

They are looking for residents to help shape projects and events which will make a real difference. To find out how you can get involved and more information please email: raceforchangeipswich@gmail.com

Race for Change flyer

Read more at the @nactoncommunityhub