Community Safety

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Community Safety

Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Misuse

Directory for everything related to alcohol, drugs and substance misuse.

Crime in Our Community

Directory page for everything related to crime within the Ipswich community.


Directory page for everything related to emergencies.

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

CCTV was introduced into Ipswich town centre in 1994. Cameras are monitored from a control room known as the Emergency Services Centre (ESC), which is based in Ipswich Borough Council's headquarters, Grafton House.

Safer Streets

Our Safer Streets projects are committed to making your streets safer. Funding allows us to implement a range of initiatives and actions, but we all need to play our part in making our streets safer to support #IpswichAgainstViolence.

Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy

Find out what the VAWG strategy is; Ipswich Borough Council projects to reduce violence against women and girls; how to report and where you can get support.

Community Safety Partnership

Find out what the Community Safety Partnership’s priorities are, its key responsibilities, and which organisations are involved.

Crucial Crew

Crucial Crew is a national scheme that has been run by Ipswich Borough Council's Community Safety Team since 1994. It is delivered to 10 and 11 year olds from across Ipswich and runs for a fortnight in June every year.