Diversionary Activities Funding

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Are you a small organisation working with young people? Are you an organisation who aims to provide aspiration and empower young people? Do you want to make a difference in Ipswich? If you answered yes, then we would love to receive your application and hear from you.

Following the successes of the Diversionary Activities funding from the Serious Violence Duty Last year, we wanted to continue and enhance our efforts. This year our Community Safety Partnership has stepped up in order to try and replicate those successes. We are inviting organisations to apply for up to £1,000.00 to support young people within our town.

As part of the funding, we expect the following:

  • You or your organisation to attend our August Activities on the Cornhill in Ipswich.
  • Utilising the above to promote your project or initiative.
  • Creating a Safe Space with a new or expansion of existing provision for young people.
  • Target your activities at those who wouldn’t have engaged previously, for example children at risk or from low-income backgrounds.

Please ensure you read the guidance and application process below carefully, our engagement team are on hand to support you with any queries you may have. Communities@ipswich.gov.uk

Funding Guidance

Funding Application Form