Christmas and New Year opening times for Shopmobility.
Brownfield land is land that has been previously developed. The Government is keen that local councils maximise the use of previously developed land for new housing and are aware of all such sites within their boundaries.
NLIS is a government initiative which carries the sole mandate of providing electronic official land and property information held by all Local Authorities in England and Wales.
Bordered by the Orwell Estuary and the A14, Orwell Country Park is 470-acre site of mixed lowland habitats, including ancient woodland, heathland and mudflats.
Orwell Country Park has three main sites – Piper’s Vale, Bridge Wood and Braziers Wood, all of which are the hinterland to the Orwell Estuary.
Orwell Country Park is home to a wide variety of species across the year. Discover the different habitats and species found across the site and at what time of the year you are most likely to encounter them.
Orwell Country Park is a large space and allows for a range of activities.
Management is an ongoing process across all areas of Orwell Country Park.
A list of Ipswich market trader's, locations and days.
If you believe that the Food Hygiene rating you have been given is unfair or wrong you can request another inspection using our online form.
We recognise that keeping pets and animals can improve a person’s wellbeing and life enjoyment. This policy statement outlines our approach to the keeping of pets and animals by IBC tenants.
As an IBC tenant, you can get help from the Tenancy Services Team if you are worried about managing your money or coping with the changeover to Universal Credit.
If you do not have access to the internet there are a number of locations in Ipswich where you can get online.
Information for landlords to help understand how Universal Credit will affect them.
Ipswich Borough Council operates a virtual permit scheme.
Housing rights in a relationship breakdown can be complicated and you may need to seek legal advice. If you have a joint tenancy or own a property with your ex partner you may still have rights to occupy the place you are living in together.
If you were recently released from prison, find out about services that could provide practical support and help you find accommodation. You could also apply to the Council for housing assistance as a homeless person
Find out what help is available if you are homeless and aged 16 or 17.
If you're leaving the armed services, or you are a former member, you may be entitled to extra help if you become homeless.
Information if you have nowhere to live after you are discharged from hospital.
Domestic abuse includes any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse. The abuse can be psychological, physical, social, financial, or emotional.
Most young people who have been in care are entitled to help if they become homeless. The help you are entitled to depends on your age and personal circumstances.
Our Housing Options Team will ensure that housing problems are identified early to help prevent you from becoming homeless.
Application forms for commercial and charity stalls and stands at our events.
Changes in how we can help people who are at risk of homelessness
Frequently asked questions on virtual residents' permits.
Find out what cookies are, how we use them and how you can manage them.

Ipswich Borough Council is a controller of personal data. We have a Data Protection Officer who works with us to make sure we process personal information only in the way the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018 say that we should.

We will only keep your information for as long as it is required by us in order to comply with legal and regulatory requirements or for other operational reasons.

Each service area will have a separate privacy notice which can be found below: 

The Development and Archaeology Supplementary Planning Document highlights the considerations and processes for the management of archaeological remains through the development process.
The Councillor Privacy Notice explains how Councillors will use personal data to assist residents with issues and contact them about matters of interest to them.
