Advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases. A description of the services offered.
Culture and environment
Explore resources and services related to culture and the environment through these links:
- Public events
- Museums and galleries
- Regent Theatre
- Town Hall and Corn Exchange (visitor information and venue hire)
- Parks and play areas
- Borough Landscapes contracting service
- Allotments
- Ipswich Market
- Sports facilities
- Swimming pools
- Burials, cremations and Public Health Act funerals
- Household waste collections and disposal
- Recycling
- Wastesaver commercial waste and recycling service
- Street cleaning
Access information on development-related services via the following links:
- Planning permission and information on planning applications
- Planning policy information
- Building control and information on building regulations
- Building control licences and permits
- Information and advice on the conservation of historical buildings and natural environments
- Local Land Charges property information searches
- Online mapping service
- Street naming and numbering
- Information on past and current planning applications
- Bus shelters and information on public transport
- Information on business centres and industrial estates
- Leasing council-owned commercial properties
Housing and community services
Learn about housing and community services by visiting these links:
- Emergency planning and Emergency Control Centre
- Addressing anti-social behaviour problems
- HEARS (Home Emergency Alarm Response Service)
- Community safety projects and initiatives
- Ipswich Shopmobility service
- Food Safety
- Pest control services
- Monitoring and controlling air, noise and land pollution
- Dog warden service
- Registration and inspection of tattooing and other skin piercing activities
- Enforcing occupational health and safety
- Licensing hackney carriages and private hire vehicles
- Alcohol and entertainment licensing
- Industrial licences and permits
- Animal licences
- Street Trading Consents
- Charitable street collection permissions
- Pleasure boat licensing
- Enforcing statutory housing standards in private sector housing
- Licensing Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
- Licensing mobile home, park home and caravan sites
- Administrating disabled facilities grants
- Administrating private sector renewal grants
- Returning empty homes to use
- Social housing
- Addressing homelessness issues
- Sheltered housing schemes
Finance and revenues
View information on financial and revenue services using the links below:
- Housing benefit and council tax support
- Council tax collection
- Business rates collection and rate relief administration
- Fraud investigation
People and Governance
Get details on council committees, petitions, job vacancies, and support for the Mayor of Ipswich through these links:
- Information on Council committees
- Submitting a petition to the Council
- Current job vacancies at the Council
- Area Committee meetings and funding grants
- Providing support to the Mayor of Ipswich
Media releases
Stay updated with the latest media releases and news by following these links:
- Online news
- Facebook account
- Twitter account
- Ipswich Area Committees Facebook account
- Area Committees Twitter account
- Ipswich Direct email mailing list
Election information
Find information about elections and becoming a councillor through these links:
- Elections and electoral registration
- Information on becoming a councillor
- Election expenses – please contact